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Introducing the DataStore (i.e. HDF5 rocks)

As I said several times in this blog, the single biggest mistake in the architecture of the engine was the pervasive use of a relational database in numerical code. It should be obvious that performance-critical code cannot affort to wait for the database to read and write gigabytes of data. Unfortunately this was not clear to the original designers of the engine, who fortunately I have never met. Basically, I have spent of all my time at GEM fighting against this original sin. But now, after nearly three years, I am starting to win.

The key to the victory has a cryptic-looking name, HDF5, which stands both for a file format and a library to read and write numeric data in that format. HDF5 is well known among data analysts and numeric scientists; actually the GEM scientific team has been wanting to use this format from day one, even if, for mysterious reasons, the original IT team never wanted to hear them. Personally I have never been doing any numeric-intensive code before coming to GEM, so HDF5 was unknown to me, but I was inclined to believe our scientists. Therefore HDF5 was my top priority as technology to replace PostgreSQL in the engine from the beginning. However, it was clear that replacing the database was a major effort, so instead on starting right away in that direction I spent two years of my life trying to come to terms with the database. After all, I had 7 years of experience with relational databases, and I was much more of a database expert than the developers that preceeed me at GEM, so I was able to do a lot of improvements. Nevertheless, it was a uphill battle, with some victories on my part, but a final defeat last summer, when I tried to optimize the event based risk calculator. After over two months of hard effort it became clear to me that there was absolutely no hope of winning the war with optimizations on the database side. I was able to gain more than an order of magnitude of performances by changing the database structure: but a gain of a factor 20-30 was nothing, I needed to improve the reading speed of the data by at least two or three orders of magnitude to be competive with the calculation time.

The end of summer 2014 marked the end of my direct confrontation with the database: by that time I managed to convince the GEM people that we needed to go in a different direction. The codename for the new course was “oq-lite”, i.e. a lite version of the engine able to run on consumer machines and without a database. Starting from September 2014 most of my time has been spent working on oq-lite, whereas the engine entered maintenance mode. This became possible because no new features were planned for the engine and we entered in a consolidation phase of the previous work.

For the first 6 months oq-lite did not address the database problem at all: since it was originally meant for small computations, it could afford to keep everything in memory and to export everything in CSV. However, such an approach was not sustainable for large computations, especially for risk ones, when one wants to store the hazard results to avoid recomputing them every time a new risk calculation is started. In the engine the hazard data is stored in the database: in oq-lite I needed a replacement for it. Since the hazard data were basically numpy arrays I needed an efficient storage for that, i.e. an HDF5 file. A couple of months ago I started to study the h5py library, which allows to manage HDF5 files from Python. I liked this library from the first day, since it is really simple to use, nice, Pythonic, and makes a lot of sense for people familiar with numpy. After a while I liked h5py even more, and the more I use it, the more I like it: HDF5 rocks!

It is a nice library, that tries to do as little than possible and does it well. The only shortcoming that I see are some error messages that could be improved, but it is not difficult to work around that. In the Python world there is also another library working with HDF5 files, i.e. PyTables. PyTables does much more than h5py, and it is essential an ORM with an HDF5 backend instead than a database. I liked h5py much more than PyTables, since it is perfect for what I wanted to do with oq-lite: a storage facility that does not require a database and that does not even resemble a database. For the purpose of the GEM calculators the natural data structure to use is a dictionary key -> value, where the key is a string and the value is a numpy array.

I encoded this data structure into a dict-like class called DataStore and I was ready to go. The DataStore class is a small (< 200 lines of code), has all the features needed for the persistency needs of the GEM calculators and nothing more. Its performances are incredibly better than what Postgres can provide. This is to be expected, since the HDF5 file format is specialized to store arrays and has none of the transactional and concurrency features of a relational database. Incidentally, let me say that I strong believer in relation databases, I like Postgres a lot and I have a huge experience with it: it is the right tool for many things, just not for multidimensional composite arrays of floats spanning gigabytes. There it cannot compete with HDF5, nor in terms of performances nor in terms of simplicity of use.

In a future blog post I will explain how you can use the datastore. Stay tuned!