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How to split correctly

In the previous post I noticed that the splitting procedure affects the hazard curves and that for for event based calculations the sampling of the ruptures depends on the splitting. The first effect is very minor and we can cope with it. The second effect is more annoying, but fortunately there is a way to to remove the splitting dependency by modifying the rupture sampling logic.

The problem is that at the moment (i.e. in release 1.7) we generate a random seed per each source: if a source is split more seeds are generated and the ruptures sampled are different. The solution is to generate a random seed per each rupture: then even if a source a split, the rupture seeds will be the same and the rupture sampling will not be affected.

I will give here a script illustrating the logic that will be used in the new engine (release 1.8). You can play with it to understand how it works. The script uses our demo EventBasedPSHA as starting point and overrides some parameters so that the computation becomes fast:

oq.ses_per_logic_tree_path = 1  # reduce the number of stochastic event sets
oq.area_source_discretization = 20  # reduce the number of point sources

Instead of doing a full event based calculation I will consider only the part about the sampling of the ruptures. There is a function that returns the number of occurrencies of each rupture as a dictionary of dictionary; for that we can extract the number of occurrencies with count_occurrencies defined in the script. We want to check that the number of occurrencies is the same, both if the area source is split and not split (the demo has a single area source that can be split in 13 point sources with the given area_source_discretization parameter).

This is indeed the case, but only because in the script we are very careful with the management of the seeds. First we define an unique seed for each rupture, starting from the random_seed defined in the job.ini file:

src.seeds = oq.random_seed + numpy.arange(src.num_ruptures)

Then we make sure that when the source is split, its sub-sources get the same seeds and in the same order; this is done with the code

start = 0
for ss in sourceconverter.split_source(src):
    nr = ss.count_ruptures()
    ss.seeds = src.seeds[start: start + nr]
    start += nr

If you are not careful, the number of occurrences will change depending on the splitting. Here is the complete script for your enjoyment:

import numpy
from openquake.commonlib import readinput, sourceconverter
from openquake.calculators.event_based import sample_ruptures

def count_occurrencies(num_occ_by_rup):
    occurrencies = 0
    for dic in num_occ_by_rup.values():
        for n in dic.values():
            occurrencies += n
    return occurrencies

def main(job_ini):
    oq = readinput.get_oqparam(job_ini)
    oq.ses_per_logic_tree_path = 1  # make the computation faster
    oq.area_source_discretization = 20
    csm = readinput.get_composite_source_model(oq)
    csm_info = csm.get_rlzs_assoc().csm_info
    [src] = csm.get_sources()  # there is a single source
    # build an array of unique seeds of size num_ruptures
    src.seeds = oq.random_seed + numpy.arange(src.num_ruptures)

    print 'Calculation with area source unsplit, total ruptures', \
    print count_occurrencies(
        sample_ruptures(src, oq.ses_per_logic_tree_path, csm_info))

    sources = list(sourceconverter.split_source(src))
    print('Calculation with area source split in %d sources' %
    start = 0
    occurrencies = 0
    for ss in sourceconverter.split_source(src):
        nr = ss.count_ruptures()
        ss.seeds = src.seeds[start: start + nr]
        start += nr
        occurrencies += count_occurrencies(
            sample_ruptures(ss, oq.ses_per_logic_tree_path, csm_info))
    print occurrencies

if __name__ == '__main__':