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Recent progress in the classical PSHA calculator

The OpenQuake engine has always been about large calculations: however, now we want to tackle huge calculations, something like the UCERF model of the United States. So I spent my summer paving the way for that project and optimizing the engine in the case of really large computations.

Historically, the most important classical calculation we ever did was the SHARE calculation for Europe: this calculation is the reason why the engine was implemented first and its original test bed. The SHARE project was completed before the release 1.0 of the engine, and it used a code based totally different from what it is the engine now. At the time it took weeks of calculations plus weeks on manual postprocessing. It was totally impossible to run the full calculation, so it had to be split in tectonic region types and then the probabilities has to be composed manually. It was a really tough calculation, who could not be done out of the box and therefore very tricky to reproduce, because of the undocumented manual steps.

In June we released the OpenQuake engine 2.0, which is a total rewrite of the original engine, and we expected it to be much faster, also for the SHARE calculation. It turns out that it was really fast, even more than expected, but the computation could not be done, again :-(

In order to understand the issue, let me give some numbers; the SHARE computation has

number of hazard sites N = 126,044
number of hazard levels L = 312
number of realizations R = 3,200

Using 8 bytes per float the sheer size of the generated hazard curves is 8 * N * L * R = 938 GB i.e. nearly 1 terabyte of data. This is not much, the issue was that in order to compute mean and quantiles of the hazard curves the engine had to keep all of the curves in memory at the same time and we do not have 1 terabyte of memory! I was very aware of this issue, that only affects really large computations: SHARE is the only one we have at the moment that it is large enough to run into this problem. For this reason I did not stop the release of engine 2.0 and postponed the solution of the memory issue to engine 2.1.

The good news is that the issue is now solved: by using the current master you can run the full SHARE to completion by using less than 65 GB of RAM. The solution was to parallelize the computation of the statistics. The engine 2.1 split the sites in a number of tiles more or less equal to the number of realizations (in this case 126,044 sites / 3,200 realizations ~ 39 sites per tile) and compute hazard curves and statistics one tile at the time: the maximum memory needed per core is of the order of

N x L = 300 MB

i.e 3200 times less than before. Notice that this is done in parallel and not sequentially: around 3200 tasks are generated each one containing all the realizations. Since the engine is doing some approximation in this case 3152 tasks are generated: 3151 tasks have tiles of 40 sites each, whereas the last tile has only 4 sites. The numbers add up as follows:

3151 task * 40 sites + 1 task * 4 sites = 126, 044 sites

The tiles here have nothing to do with the tiles in the first part of the computation: the computation of the statistics happens in a different calculator than the computation of the probability maps. This means that

you can change the quantiles in the job.ini file and recompute the statistics without having to repeat the full computation!

This has been a much wanted feature for years. Since the memory problem has been solved, now you can take full advantage of it. It should also be noticed that the engine has a flag


that should be set to false in this kind of calculations (the default is true). After all, you don’t want to look at 3200 realizations one-by-one, typically you are interested in mean and quantiles. The engine still has to compute all the realizations, but it does not need to store all of them: it needs to store only the mean and the quantiles; in the share case we have

mean_hazard_curves = true
quantile_hazard_curves = 0.05 0.16 0.5 0.84 0.95

so 1 (mean) + 5 (quantiles) = 6 curves has to be stored, not 3200; each curves requires 0.293 GB, so 1.758 GB are enough to store the results. If you set individual_curves=false the computation is fast since you do not have to send back the curves for all realizations and store them; in fact, you can compute the statistics for the full SHARE model in 11 minutes!

Here are some numbers:

operation cumulative time
compute stats 57,593 s
combine pmaps 13,864 s
saving hcurves and stats 695 s

combine pmaps is the operation of converting the probability maps (there is a map for each tectonic region type) into hazard curves (this is the operation that was done in manual postprocessing years ago): as you see, it is a pretty fast operation compared to the computation of the statistics, which is dominated by the quantiles. Then the saving time is not much, 11 minutes and 35 seconds. All this post-processing operations are still ridiculously fast compared to the sheer size of the bulk computation:

operation cumulative time
computing poes 5,470,790 s
making contexts 411,698 s
managing sources 13,352 s

As you see, most of the time is spent computing the probabilities of exceedence, over 5 millions of seconds in total: it looks a lot, but it is half of the time needed for our model of South America. SHARE is not a large computation anymore: the point to bring home is that

nowadays the full SHARE with 3200 realizations runs in 9 hours 30 minutes.

And that’s all.

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