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The story of Miriam's Island

Once upon a time there was a little island in the Caribbean sea. It shall be named Miriam’s island. Alas, that was not a happy island, because it was in one of the most seismic regions of the world, with earthquakes shaking the ground several times per year. Somebody had the idea of building a virtual city on it, with a little bit less than 6,000 buildings, and asked us, GEM, to perform a risk analysis on those assets.

And so our nightmare began. We had just installed our shiny new cluster, with 256 cores distributed in four workers and 32 cores in a powerful master, all machines with 128GB of RAM and some terabyte of disk space. We said: let us test our cluster with this toy computation, surely it will be a snap for it, a warming exercise before we start the serious jobs. We launched the computation on a Friday.

On the following Monday, we found the cluster on its knees, swapping like a mad, with a memory occupation well over the limits. We killed everything, and we started a much smaller computation which we were able to finish. From that we measured the memory consumption and we estimated that, in order to run the original computation, we would have needed several terabytes of RAM. But why so? After some lenghty and painful analysis (which involved writing tools to monitor the memory allocation of specific blocks of code during the runtime on the cluster), we discovered that the problem was due to a bug in PostGIS: there was a GROUP BY involving a GEOGRAPHY field which was allocating all the memory (and returning bogus results on top of it!).

At that point it was relatively easy to solve the problem, by simply casting the GEOGRAPHY field to a GEOMETRY field. Now the GROUP BY was working correctly and the Postgres memory occupation dropped down drastically. Still the query was so heavy that we could not perform it hundreds of times on the workers, so we had to change our strategy. Instead of performing the aggregation on the workers, we did it once for all in the hazard calculator and we stored the result in an intermediate table, in a predigested format for the risk. That meant:

  1. doubling the disk space occupation
  2. making the hazard calculator much slower

Still, with that cure we had hopes to be able to perform the original calculation. It turns out these were false hopes.

When we tried again to run the original computation (actually a slimmer version of it, with a single logic tree realization instead of ten) on the cluster, we could not: there was still a memory problem, not as big as before, but still such that all the workers were swapping, by exceeding the 128 GB limit. This time the problem was not in Postgres - the master node ran just fine - but in Python: it could not store in memory the data coming from the database.

To figure out what the problem was, we had to profile in detail the memory allocation in the Python code and we discovered that a lot more memory than expected was needed. In particular, to retrieve a million floats from the database, one would expect a memory occupation of 8 megabytes (8 bytes per float): instead something like 40 megabytes were needed. The reason is that a Python float requires 24 bytes each and the postgres driver was likely to allocate some additional memory to unmarshall the original data into Python numbers. So a lot of memory was really needed; on top of that, we suspected a memory leak, because the memory was not deallocated at the end of the task, and the only way to free memory was to kill the celery process pool.

Fortunately we discovered a celery configuration parameter to activate automatic refresh of the celery processes, maxtasksperchild: by setting that parameter to 1 we made sure that each process could only run a single task before being killed and restarted. In this way we circumvented the suspect memory leak, but we could not run the computation anyway, because the memory occupation was still too large.

We started then an inspection of the code and a refactoring aimed at saving memory, for instance by not using intermediate dictionaries, by using numpy arrays instead of lists, etc. A lot of work, but the minor memory benefits that we gained were still not enough to run the computation. Then we discovered that we were returning the same rupture ids for all assets: since each location had 230,000 rupture ids, there was a large amount of integers to transfer. They were actually using the same memory as their companion floats describing the ground motion values. By returning the ruptures only once and not 6,000 times (I remind the reader that 6,000 is the number of assets), we were able to nearly cut in half the memory occupation.

But it was yet not enough to run the computation on the full cluster: with 256 cores running the memory occupation was still too high. We worked around the problem by increasing the block_size parameter, thus generating less tasks: with 60 tasks we could barely finish the computation, by remaining a little bit below the 128 GB limit. But it was not a satisfactory result: our measurements showed that the larger the number of tasks, the larger the load on the database: all the time was spent in waiting for the data to be ready. Moreover we saturated our Gigabit connection: there was simply too much data to transfer. Doing the computation on a single machine would have been more efficient than doing it on a cluster, since the database was the bottleneck.

Experiments done with one tenth of the original computation with around 300 tasks showed that the total time spent in getting the data was several times bigger than the time spent in performing the computation (something like 75,000 seconds vs 3,000 seconds) whereas a single worker process could allocate up to 4 GB of memory: and that for one tenth of the original computation!

At this point the situation was good, because we had understood where the problem was: we were transferring and unmarshalling too much data, therefore we had to look at ways to reduce the data transfer. In order to do so, we had a look at our exposure and we discovered that it was clusterized, i.e. we had groups of geographically close assets. Clearly if ten assets are close to the same ground motion field, we can transfer that ground motion field only once, not ten times. That observation made a gigantic difference: with that optimization for the first time we were able to run the computation on the cluster, by using all of the cores, by fitting in RAM and without being dominated by the database. This is a story with a happy ending, and here are the numbers of one of our latest runs:

Parameter Value
Number of hazard sites 1792
Average number of ruptures per site 229,030
Estimated disk space on db 6,262 MB
Number of assets 5,689
Number of tasks 290
Computation cumulative time 28,011 s
Getting data cumulative time 23,573 s
Post processing time 88 s
Maximum memory allocated by a single task 348 MB
Maximum memory used on a worker 19.6 GB
Running time 7m2s

Yes, you have read correctly, the computation that brought our cluster to its knees now was performed in 7 minutes! And it was taking only 15% of the available memory!

The problem was solved and Miriam went on vacation…

Appendix: Miriam’s island in Japan

The case of Miriam’s island was rather special, in the sense that we had the hazard computed on a grid of 100 meters. In regular cases, the hazard is computed on a grid of 5-10 kilometers: that means that a lot of assets can be associated with a single ground motion field, since in five kilometers you can have a lot of buildings and the association is always with the closest ground motion field available. In regular cases therefore our optimization works even better: to test that expectation, we moved Miriam’s island in the center of Tokyo, since we had the hazard computed in that region available. Here are the numbers we got:

Parameter Value
Number of hazard sites 1431
Average number of ruptures per site 203,462
Estimated disk space on db 4442
Number of assets 5,689
Number of tasks 290
Computation cumulative time 29,470 s
Getting data cumulative time 1,484 s
Post processing time 230
Maximum memory allocated by a single task 86 MB
Maximum memory used on a worker 12.1 GB
Running time 9m31s

Here is the story the numbers are telling us: the hazard in Miriam’s island was realistic in terms of ruptures, ~200,000 ruptures per site are possible in seismic region in the time scale we are considering (25,000 years). On the other hand, the density of points was not realistic; where there are less points, more assets share the same ground motion field and therefore less data is transferred: this explains why the time to get the data is 20 times smaller than the computation time. Therefore the computation in Japan is sane, it is not dominated by the database, and it will scale well if we add more core to the cluster in the future.

In short, the performance problem in the risk is now solved. We have now a performance problem in the hazard side, in the post-processing phase, but that’s a story for [another day] (/2013/06/12/the-story-of-Miriam-island-2/)…

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