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The GMPE logic tree, how it works

One of the most complex areas in the engine is the management of logic trees, both for the source model and for the GMPEs. Recently I have been spending a lot of time in refactoring the code for the GMPE logic tree. Substantial improvements were made, so it is time to document what was done and the difference with the past.

Let me start by explaining what I mean by GMPE logic tree. When performing a hazard computation with the engine, the user must provide a file, usually called gmpe_logic_tree.xml, which specifies the Ground Motion Prediction Equations (GMPEs) to use for each tectonic region type. For instance, suppose we have a single source model with just two tectonic region types A and B. Suppose that for the first tectonic region type we have two GMPEs available, say A1 and A2, and that for the second tectonic region type we have three GMPEs available, say B1, B2 and B3. Then the GMPE logic tree will have a total of 6 paths, corresponding to the cross product of the possible GMPEs:

(A1, B1) (A1, B2) (A1, B3) (A2, B1) (A2, B2) (A2, B3)

For instance the first path means that the engine will perform a computation with the GMPE A1 for tectonic region A and B1 for tectonic region B; the second path means that the engine will perform a computation with the GMPE A1 for tectonic region A and B2 for tectonic region B; et cetera. The engine associates to each path a so-called logic tree realization: the computation here will generate 6 outputs, one for each realization. Because of the combinatorics, the size of the logic tree can easily grow; for instance, in the case of the SHARE Area Source model we have 7 different tectonic region types, each with several GMPEs:

Tectonic Region Type Number of GMPEs
Subduction Deep 2
Subduction Interface 4
Volcanic 1
Shield 2
Subduction IntraSlab 4
Stable Shallow Crust 5
Active Shallow Crust 4

A simple multiplication 2 * 4 * 1 * 2 * 4 * 5 * 4 = 1280 tells us that this logic tree will have 1280 paths and thus the engine will have to generate 1280 realizations. In other words it will need to do a lot of work, 1280 times more work than for a single realization. This is why the SHARE model could not be done with the engine directly; actually in the past it was done by splitting the source model and doing one tectonic region type at the time. If you split, the effort needed is 2 realizations for Subduction Deep, 4 realizations for Subduction Interface, 1 realization for Volcanic, 2 realizations for Shield, 4 realizations for Subduction IntraSlab, 5 realizations for Stable Shallow Crust, 4 realizations for Active Shallow Crust, in total 2 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 5 + 4 = 22 realizations. Since 1280 / 22 = 58.18, by splitting we can reduce the needed effort by around 60 times.

In May I realized that it was possible to implement the splitting logic internally in the engine, i.e. to reduce the computation from 1280 units of effort to just 22 units of effort: a huge gain. So now the engine is ~60 times faster in computing the hazard curves in the case of this logic tree; however it still saves on the database all 1280 realizations. The saving part has not been improved at all and so the post processing phase. This is why currently they are the bottleneck for this kind of computations and it is why I am working to change the database so that we can store only 22 units of data instead of 1280 units of data. However, this will be long and difficult, as always when changing a database.

But in a specific case we were lucky. I have found a way to get a tremendous speedup without touching the database at all. The trick is that the above multiplication assumes that all tectonic region types are populated. But what if there are no sources for one of the tectonic region types? Or there are sources, but such sources are beyond the maximum distance for the sites of interest, so that they can be neglected?

Let’s go back to the case with two tectonic region types, A and B, and let’s suppose that the tectonic region type B is not populated, i.e. there are no sources for it. Then the paths (Ai, B1), (Ai, B2) and (Ai, B3) will be indistinguishable: using the GMPE B1 or B2 or B3 will be the same, since there are no sources of tectonic region type B. The engine will generate two triples of identical hazard curves, thus wasting both computational power and disk space.

That’s why we changed the engine. Now the engine does not generate copies. In this case it will not generate 6 realizations but only 2 and the users will get only the 2 independent hazard curves.

The SHARE source model I described before was used by an OpenQuake user who had no sources for the tectonic region types Shield and Subduction Deep, each with two realizations. By excluding such tectonic region types from the logic tree, we are left with 4 * 1 * 4 * 5 * 4 = 320 realizations instead of 1280 and 4 + 1 + 4 + 5 + 4 = 18 basic building blocks instead of 22. That means that the original computation had a lot of copies (320 independent hazard curves and 960 copies) that were bloating the database without any reason and making everything slow. But now everything is faster. In the case of our user, this was the improvement:

time before after
calculation 1.5h 1h
saving 2h 0.5h
postprocessing 23.5h 1h

Since we are saving 4 times less data, the saving time is 4 times smaller, from 2 hours to just half a hour, and now it is lower than the computation time, which is nice. But the most spectacular improvement was in the post processing phase. In that phase the engine is performing a lot of database queries, by computing mean curves and quantiles. The performance there scales terribly with the number of realizations, it is worse than quadratic: actually having 4 times less realizations meant an improvement of nearly 24 times! We passed from 1 day to 1 hour! A huge success.

Of course, we are still not happy, because the database structure is still inefficient, by storing 320 data units instead of 18 data units, and because the post-processing could be done in memory without any need to touch the database. So we still have a lot of room from improvement. But in this case we were lucky, since we got an enourmous speedup for free, without actually doing any real work. The improvement on the logic tree library was done to fix the bug of another user, you know. Sometimes you get a free lunch ;-)

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