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Using the DataStore

In a previous post I told the story behind the DataStore class. Today I will show how to use it. A DataStore instance is a dictionary-like object built around an underlying HDF5 file. An HDF5 file is a dictionary-like object with keys which are strings of the form "/some/path/to/the/data". The values are basic data types i.e. integers, floats, strings, and arrays, which can be stored efficiently. You can learn the concepts about HDF5 files here. The DataStore is a wrapper over a h5py.File object. You can use it as follows:

  >>> import numpy
  >>> from openquake.commonlib.datastore import DataStore

  >>> ds = DataStore()  # instantiate a datastore
  >>> ds.hdf5  # the underlying h5py.File instance
  <HDF5 file "output.hdf5" (mode r+)>

  >>> key = '/some/data'
  >>> value = numpy.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
  >>> ds[key] = value  # store the array on the underlying HDF5 file
  >>> ds[key]  # retrieve the dataset from the HDF5 file
  <HDF5 dataset "data": shape (2, 2), type "<i8">
  >>> ds[key].value # retrieve the array from the dataset
  array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])

  >>> list(ds) # show the keys in the HDF5 file
  >>> list(ds['/some'])  # show the keys in the group '/some'

All of the regular methods of a Python dictionary are available. The DataStore is more than a wrapper of a HDF5 file, and actually it is able to persist any pickleable Python object. In fact, the HDF5 file is used solely for numpy arrays, whereas general Python objects are saved in the datastore as pickled file. The plan for the future is to replace as much as possible Python objects with numpy arrays, which are much much more efficiently stored and moved around. You can see the full documentation of the datastore module at

One important thing to remember is that the datastore does not support concurrent writing. This is due both to a limitation in the underlying h5py library and to an architectural constraint: when doing parallel computations in the oq-lite we adhere to a strict master/slave approach: only the master is allowed to read/write on the datastore, whereas the workers do not have access to the datastore. This paradigm makes everything simple and clean, so that the concurrent writing limitation simply disappear, since only the master can write and the master is a single threaded process.

The case of running concurrent calculations is managed in the simplest possible way: each time a datastore is instantiate a new directory is created and a HDF5 file called output.hdf5 is created inside that directory. The location of the directory is determined by the environment variable $OQ_DATADIR. If the variable is not set, the datastore uses the directory $HOME/oqdata as base path for the datastore directories. When a DataStore is instantiated, the base directory is searched (it is automatically created if not found) and directories with names following the pattern calc_<ID> are retrieved. If nothing is found, a directory called calc_1 is created and the datastore instance grows an attribute calc_id with value 1; otherwise, the highest calc_id is retrieved from the found calculation directories and a new directory is created with calculation ID calc_id + 1. In this way each calculation writes in its own directory; in multiuser situations there is no conflict since each user by default writes on its own home directory. Notice that at the moment the datastore does not offer any protection against race conditions and in theory two different calculations starting at the same time could get the same calc_id. That may change in the future. In practice, calculations are started manually, there are seconds between one and the next, so race conditions never happen.

I will close this post with a short routine that performs a classical calculation and save the results in the datastore, so that you can see how it works in practice:

from openquake.baselib.general import groupby
from openquake.commonlib import readinput, datastore
from openquake.hazardlib.calc.hazard_curve import hazard_curves_per_trt

def compute_classical_psha(job_ini):
    # read the configuration file
    oq = readinput.get_oqparam(job_ini)
    # read the site collection
    sitecol = readinput.get_site_collection(oq)
    # read the source model
    csm = readinput.get_composite_source_model(oq, sitecol)
    # group the sources by tectonic region model ID
    sources_by_trt_id = groupby(csm.get_sources(),
                                lambda src: src.trt_model_id)
    # dictionary trt_model_id -> list of GSIMs
    gsims_assoc = csm.get_rlzs_assoc().get_gsims_by_trt_id()
    # instantiate an empty datastore
    dstore = datastore.DataStore()
    # sequentially compute the curves for earch tectonic region type
    for trt_id, sources in sources_by_trt_id.iteritems():
        trt = sources[0].tectonic_region_type
        print 'Considering trt_model_id=%s, TRT=%s' % (trt_id, trt)
        gsims = gsims_assoc[trt_id]
        # a list of curves, one for each GSIM
        all_curves = hazard_curves_per_trt(
            sources, sitecol, oq.imtls, gsims)
        # saving the curves in the datastore
        for gsim, curves in zip(gsims, all_curves):
            dskey = '/%s/%s' % (trt_id, gsim)
            print 'Saving %s' % dskey
            dstore[dskey] = curves
            # flush the curves on the HDF5 file
    print 'See the results with hdfview %s/output.hdf5' % dstore.calc_dir

hdfview is a Java tool to visualize and edit HDF5 files (the advantage of using standards: we did not have to write it).

Incidentally, let me point out that this ~20-line routine is essentially doing 90% of the work than in the original oq-engine was done in ~10000 lines of code (most of them spent in defining database tables that here are simply not needed) ~100 times less efficiently, at least for what concerns the saving times.

The calculation here is sequential. Making it parallel requires just two more lines, but it is left for another post, to keep the suspense. Stay tuned!

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