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The classical tiling calculator

What should we do if a computation becomes so large in terms of number of sites, that it runs out of memory and cannot be performed? Of course, we should try to split it in smaller computations.

This is easy if there is no correlation between the sites, i.e. for classical PSHA calculations. In that case we can just split the computation in tiles (blocks of sites) and run one tile at the time. We implemented such a solution a couple of years ago and since then we have a classical_tiling calculator in the engine.

The calculator was implemented to solve the memory issue, but then we discovered that it had other benefits as well: in particular splitting a computation in tiles can make it a lot faster.

An example with a single tile

To show what happens in concrete I will consider as an example a reduced SHARE computation with 50,000 sites and a logic tree of 1280 realizations (the full model has ~130,000 sites and 3200 realizations) which I ran in our Zurich cluster. Even if reduced, the computation is still quite large and if you run it without tiling it will take 18 hours and 33 minutes. Here are the figures with the parameter concurrent_tasks set to 500:

operation cumulative time
computing poes 4,976,525 s
making contexts 331,149 s
combine/save curves 20,755 s
compute/save stats 2,058 s
initialize_sources 428 s
agg_curves 292 s
total run time 1113 m

Some remarks are in order, to highlight the bottlenecks of the computation.

  1. The operations making contexts and computing poes are the core operations performed in hazardlib. The first one computes (among other things) the distances source-sites for all sources, the second one computes the probabilities of exceedance for all sites and sources. In this case the computing poes time dwarfs the making contexts time: it is 15 times bigger. This is normally the case when you have a lot of sites.

  2. A lot of time is spent in saving the hazard curves, 20,755 s which means 5h 46m on a computation of 18h 33m. This problem is not related to the tiling, but to the database. It is solved in the HDF5-based calculators, where the saving time of the curves becomes essentially zero. Indeed if you repeat this calculation with the --lite option, the 5h 46m spent here are reduced to 1h 40m, which are needed to combine the curves, not to save them (saving 12 GB of hazard curves in the datastore takes around 1 minute).

  3. Some time is spent in computing and saving the mean and quantile curves: 2,058 s, i.e. 34 minutes. It is not much, and most of it is spent in the saving part. I know that because running the computation with the --lite option reduces the time to 834 s, i.e. 14 minutes: that means that the saving time in the database is 20 minutes compared to the calculation time of 14 minutes.

  4. The time spent in reading the source model (7 minutes) is negligible and so is the time spent aggregating the curves (5 minutes). The bulk of the time is spent in the execute phase (12 hours).

Using 4 tiles

Doing the same identical computation with only 4 tiles of 12,500 sites each reduces significantly the run time from more than 18 hours to a bit less than 6 hours: the net speedup is over 3 times! Here are the numbers:

operation cumulative time
computing poes 479,283 s
making contexts 155,036
combine/save curves 11,284
compute/save stats 747 s
initialize_sources 955 s
agg_curves 288 s
total run time 353 m

The main reason for the speedup is the drastic reduction in computing poes, which takes now over 10 times less time than before. There are two reasons for that.

  1. The [logic tree reduction effect] ( the tiles are such that some tectonic region types are filtered away and the logic trees becomes much smaller, so a lot less computations are needed.

  2. Even if the logic tree is not reduced, it is a lot faster to compute the PoEs (that involves a lot of matrix multiplications) by splitting in small tiles.

I should also be noticed that making contexts takes half the time than before and the same can be for combining and saving the curves. The ratio computing poes / making contexts is greatly reduced, from 15 to 3.

A lot more tasks are generated: 1807 instead of 463. The reason is that with concurrent_tasks = 500 we are going to generated around 500 tasks per tile and since there are 4 tiles we are going to generate 4 times more tasks.

Using 17 tiles

The following are the figures for a run with 17 tiles of ~3000 sites each.

operation cumulative time
computing poes 199,663 s
making contexts 127,436 s
combine/save curves 8,157 s
compute/save stats 407 s
initialize_sources 2,352 s
agg_curves 292 s
total run time 255 m

The number of tasks is 7691, around 17 times bigger than with a single tile, as expected. This is not a problem for the moment, but if we increased again the number of tiles we will get even more tasks, which means more data transfer, more effort on celery/rabbitmq, more risk for the computation to fail and a general slow down.

The operations making contexts and computing poes are taking still less time, because of the smaller arrays. They are now so small that actually the part dominating the computation runtime is saving the hazard curves, 2h 15m on a computation of 4h 15m. Also, a lot of time is spent initializing the sources, i.e. reading them from the source model and filtering them with respect to the current tile: 2,352 s, which means 39 minutes.

The Zurich cluster has 160 nodes and the total time spent in the tasks is around 370,000 seconds: so if we has perfect work distribution the computation should take 370,000 s / 160 = 38 minutes. Instead the execute phase takes 67 minutes. There is clearly room for improvement. By optimizing the task distribution we should be able to nearly double the speed.

In general it is best to have few tiles to avoid idle time; however using too few tiles may produce a slower computation. As you see things are tricky. You can get huge differences in runtime depending on a parameter which is difficult to set correctly and in any case a lot of time is wasted waiting between one tile and the other.

What we would really need is a parallel tiling calculator. One that computes all the tiles in parallel at once, without idle time. Also, one smart enough to determine automatically a decent number of tiles, without having the user fiddle with a configuration parameter. I mean, there should be a parameter to tune the size of a tile, but the computation runtime should not be too much sensitive to that parameter, and there should be a sensible default. With the current calculator there is no default and the user is forced to set maximum_tile_weight manually, usually to a bad value. With the parallel calculator the user should not set anything and everything should work decently enough without need of further tuning.

In the last months I have worked a lot on the tiling calculator and now we actually have two different parallel calculators, that I will discuss in the next installments.

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