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The oq-lite tiling calculator

As we discussed in [the previous installment] (/2016/01/14/the-tiling-calculator-1/), the current tiling calculator is not without its shortcomings. For one, the total runtime is very dependent on the number of tiles generated. Moreover, even if you get the number of tiles right the load distribution during the calculation is very discontinuous: when a tile is near to its conclusion or just at the beginning the workers do not work at all. If we look at the graph of the CPU usage on the workers, it is a series of bumps, one bump for each tile. Therefore if you produce too many tiles you will have lots of bumps and lots of time spent idly reading the source model, filtering and sending the sources, things that are repeated for each tile. The number of tiles produced is determined by the parameter maximum_tile_weight which must be passed by the user, and it is tricky to get a good value for it.

All such problems have been known from the beginning. The reasons why they are are here is that the tiling calculator was implemented it in a hurry, because there was a deadline on a calculation that could not be done without tiling, so we spent something like 3 days on it when a decent solution would have required at least 3 weeks of work.

Since then I spent a long time thinking on a parallel tiling calculator and at the moment I am writing (half of January 2016) the engine code base has a parallel tiling calculator that can be accessed with the --lite flag. When you give this flag, instead of old sequential tile calculator, you can run a parallel calculator based on the HDF5 datastore. Actually there is a difference between the lite calculator in release 1.7 and in the current master: the newest one splits the heavy sources and parallelizes much better. It is the one that I will consider in the analysis below.

It is important to point out that all calculators use the same library (i.e. hazardlib) i.e. their performance is theoretically the same in terms of sheer calculation. In practice, however, the oq-lite tiling calculator is more performant for three reasons, in order of relevance:

  1. computing the PoEs with a lot of small arrays is more efficient than with big arrays (even 10+ times more efficient!)
  2. the new calculator does not need to reprocess fully the source model for each tile, it just filters and send the sources
  3. the new calculator does not have idle time between on tile and the other
  4. the oq-lite calculator writes in the HDF5 datastore, which is much more efficient than the database.

Using a single tile

Even in absence of tiling, the oq-lite classical calculator is a bit better than the engine calculator, so for the SHARE computation discussed in the previous installment the total runtime goes down to 14 hours instead of 18.5 hours. We are actually saving 4+ hours for not saving in the database, plus other small improvements. However it is not much. Since there is a lot of data to save (12+ GB of hazard curves) so you save some hours. However, the other times are not much different than before:

operation cumulative time
computing poes 5,164,142 s
making contexts 169,687 s
combine/save curves 6,001 s
compute/save stats 834 s
agg_curves 33 s
total run time 836 m

number of tasks: 463

The difference is in making contexts is more apparent than real, since the oq-lite calculator measure less operations than the engine calculator for this operation (technically it does not measure the time spent in .iter_ruptures).

The message to bring home is that unless you have a lot of data to save you should not expect significant improvements with respect to the time-honored engine calculator.

Using 50 tiles

The situation is different for the tiling calculator. Here one expects some definite improvement. Let’s see how the calculation goes by default, i.e. without tuning the number of tiles. By default the oq-lite tiling calculator produces tiles with 1,000 sites, therefore in this case (50,000 sites) it will produce 50 tiles. There is a parameter sites_per_tile that you can tune if you want to produce larger or smaller tiles. sites_per_tile is certainly much easier to explain and to understand that the maximum_tile_weight parameter of the sequential calculator. Here are the figures for the classical_tiling calculator:

operation cumulative time
computing poes 186,213 s
making contexts 81,280 s
combine/save curves 6,479 s
compute/save stats 884 s
agg_curves 199 s
total run time 219 m

number of tasks: 2,250

As you see, there is an enormous improvements for computing poes (as speedup of ~28 times) and a significant speedup for making contexts (2.1 x). The other operations are compatible with the non-tiled ones and not relevant. Still there are no miracles, and the runtime of computing poes and making contexts are compatible with the engine tiling calculator with 17 tiles. The advantage is in the task distribution, which is better, and in the saving times. That explains while the total runtime is 219 m, to be compared with the 255 m of the old calculator. Still, it is not a revolutionary improvement.

The important point to notice here is that with the default parameters the oq-lite calculator is competitive (and usually better) than then old engine tiling calculator with a careful tuning.

Using 500 tiles

To stress the calculator, I ran it with tiles of 100 sites, thus producing 500 tiles, a lot. In this case a significant amount of time is spent sending the sources, because the same sources are send to the workers multiple times (up to 500 times for a source which affects all tiles). The total runtime nearly double and the computation takes nearly 7 hours to run.

operation cumulative time
computing poes 509,587 s
making contexts 367,662 s
combine/save curves 6,167 s
filtering sources 1,077 s
compute/save stats 802 s
agg_curves 270 s
total run time 402 m

number of tasks: 4,500

As you see, everything has become inefficient. There are too many small tasks, and over 50 GB of data have to be transferred to the workers. Having so many tiles is definitively a bad idea. Still, the oq-lite calculator is much better than the engine one, because with that one we would have spent ~20 hours just in processing the source model for 500 times!

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