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PSHA calculations with large logic trees

Today’s post will collect some information about classical PSHA calculations with large logic trees, in particular about the SHARE model. As a test bed, I will use a reduced version of the SHARE model, considering a single intensity measure type (‘PGA’), only 50,000 sites instead of the full 126,044 sites and only the submodel defined in as_model.xml. The reduced model is still taking into account all of the logic tree branches, i.e. 1280 realizations, so the computation is pretty large.

The numbers of the reduced model are the following:

Parameter Value
num_sources 555,157
num_ruptures 7,751,390
num_sites 50,000
num_levels 26
num_realizations 1280
num_tasks 671

The reduction is necessary because currently the full SHARE model cannot be addressed as a single computation: the quantity of data to return from the workers is too big and the celery/rabbitmq combo fail. After all such libraries were designed to exchange a lot of small messages and not a small number of huge messages. Moreover the full model has out of memory problems. Here are the numbers for the reduced model instead:

Memory Measure Value
haz_curves_mem 12.4 GB
post_proc_mem 24.8 GB
disk_space_mb 22,947
max_mem_per_core 113 MB

The memory allocation of the hazard curves has been computed by counting 8 bytes per float; then 50,000 * 26 * 1280 * 8 = 12.4 GB. This is quite less than the memory occupation on the database, which is of 22.4 GB. The memory occupation in the database could be reduced significantly, as discussed before, and the saving time could be reduced by a factor of 60 or more; at the moment, however, the saving time is quite significant, and actually it is comparable with the computation time:

Operation Time
compute hazard curves 5h50m
save hazard curves 4h12m
compute mean curves 24m

In the full model the saving time would dominate. Another interesting time is the time spent in aggregating the hazard curves; in the reduced computation it is pretty insignificant (6 minutes) but it may grow significantly in the full computation (or not: that must be seen). Certainly if the number of cores grows the aggregation time will become the limiting factor; at the moment it seems that we are not there, yet.

The time to compute the mean curves is now very small (less than 24 minutes); before a recent change it would have been over 2 days, involving a lot of heavy database queries. Nowadays the curves are being kept in memory; that involves an increase of the memory consumption in the saving phase and a peak in the post-processing phase. Actually, with the current implementation, at maximum the post-processing phase requires an additional amount of memory equal to the memory taken for the hazard curves of the largest Intensity Measure Type; for a single IMT, the total memory occupation is doubled.

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