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Large Event Based Risk Calculations

Hazard calculations have received a lot of attention recently, so much that now they can scale up to logic trees with a few hundreds of realizations without particular issues. The only problem, as I documented before, is the saving time on the database, which is normally acceptable, unless you want to scale up to over a thousand realizations (i.e. the full SHARE model).

On a specific region of interest, usually one does not need the full SHARE model, because some tectonic region types may be missing in that region, so that the logic tree can become significantly smaller. For instance we have a computation for Germany, which we use as a test bed for our optimizations, that requires only 100 realizations out of the complete logic tree of 1280 realizations. 100 realizations are a snap and the hazard computation can be done in a hour or so in our cluster.

The problem is the risk. The risk is an entirely different story. A risk computation based on a hazard computation with 100 realizations and a few thousand sites is really really big. So big that, in fact, it cannot be performed. I tried to run it on our cluster and on other machines and I could not finish it. The problem is with rabbitmq: the data transfer is so big that rabbitmq dies and stop responding. I have seen situations where rabbitmq takes more than 35 GB of RAM, as well as over 35 GB of disk space non the mnesia directory. In such situations the only solution is to kill rabbitmq brutally and to delete manually the mnesia directory. We are at the limit of the tecnology, rabbitmq was not designed to transfer such huge amount of data.

Fortunately, not all hope is lost. I do have an experimental branch where some of the data which currently are transferred via rabbitmq have been stored in the database and transferred via postgresql. Databases have been designed to manage large amount of data, so in that branch it is possible to run the computation to completion. In doing so, however, I have discovered other bottlenecks, some expected, some unexpected.

Here are some numbers:

Parameter Value
num_sites 8215
num_assets 16430
num_imts 1
num_realizations 100
num_ruptures 48,798
num_tasks 166

The expected bottleneck is the database, in particular the time spent in reading the ground motion fields, which is over 45x times bigger than the computation time!

Operation Cumulative time
getting gmfs 1,681,964 s
computing individual risk 36,941s

This is a very serious problem, but it is expected, because we had this issue from the very beginning. The problem is that the selection queries are slow because 1) there are a lot of ground motion fields and 2) they are stored in the database in an inefficient way.

The unespected and positive thing is that in this branch the memory occupation is very low, we are using not even the 10% of the memory we have available on the cluster. The unexpected and negative thing is the following:

Operation Cumulative time
agg_result 1,290 s

Over 20 minutes are spent aggregating the results, and that happens on a single core. Even if we manage to improve the situation on getting the ground motion fields (and I am confident that we can gain at least an order of magnitude) the aggregation time will become the new bottleneck. But this is a problem that will wait for the future. The issue with the ground motion fields is more urgent, because it scale terribly bad with the number of cores. More cores you have, more queries are performed, more the database is stress, and slower the computation is, to the point that it is faster on a single machine with 32 cores than on a cluster with 256 cores (I have tried it).

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